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Torn project cover image
Revolutionize the holiday and share vacation ownership industry
Torn is the timeshare brand of Vidar & Co. construction group. The vision of the company is to revolutionize the holiday and share vacation ownership industry by bringing world class holiday experiences to middle class families in affordable prices.
Project length
2 months
Real estate
Project Goal
Create an easy road map for customers to navigate a real estate world
Product design, Brand strategy
Torn wireframes
Challenge icon
Empower customers to communicate with landlords and vice versa. Include variety of search options to tailor customer’s goals
Torn wireframes
Our approach icon

Our approach

Backing design with user feedback

We thoroughly researched the current product, gathered feedback, and created user personas and journey maps in a workshop. We then wireframed and collaborated with stakeholders to improve usability and design, resulting in a modern and timeless platform.
Ethnographic User Study
Requirements Definition
Competitive Analysis
User personas
Discovery Workshop
User Flows
Ethnographic User Study
Competitive Analysis
User personas
Discovery Workshop
Requirements Definition
User Flows
Expert Analysis
Torn project wireframes
Result icon


Unified and Consistent Design

We used user-centric solutions to improve various initiatives, creating a UX culture where the user and product come first. We iterated and delivered top results by building, measuring, and learning from users, achieving the challenge and delivering a vision for a new platform.
UI Design and Prototyping
Style Guide
Visual Design
Design System
Desktop and Mobile Design
Torn wireframes

Other projects

Product design
See case study
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